Community Development
Community development encompasses a wide variety of program areas that all contribute to making our communities and neighborhoods attractive and safe places to live, work, and play. WCWRPC can assist with the successful planning, development, and implementation of your community program or project. We want to help you realize your community’s vision and goals.
Use the link provided here for a recently completed Workforce & Senior Housing Fact Sheet. This document provides information on a package of workforce housing bills approved by the Wisconsin Legislature in 2023 and incudes four new loan programs to be administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA).
Project Types
County and community comprehensive plan
Transportation corridor planning
Land use and farmland preservation planning
Urban design
Zoning, subdivision, and other related regulations
Emergency preparedness
Planning and analysis of community services
Downtown revitalization
Brownfield development
Capital improvement plans
Mapping/GIS analysis and visualization
Costs of services studies
Grant writing and administration
Outdoor recreation and trail plans
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
LEED consultation
Sustainable development planning