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Taking Notes

Metropolitan Planning Organization  


The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was designated on November 2, 1982, by the Wisconsin Secretary of Transportation on behalf of the Governor and is organized pursuant to Sections 62.11(5), 60.28(41), 59.97(1), and 16.54(6) of the Wisconsin State Statutes. The MPO also acts as the local policy advisory committee pursuant to Section NR 121.05(1)(g)4.b. of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.​



The purpose of the MPO is to carry out a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive urban transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the Eau Claire Urbanized area and thereby satisfies the conditions necessary for the receipt of federal transportation funding for capital, operating, and planning assistance. 


The MPO also assists the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in the development of the municipal point source element of the State’s Areawide Water Quality Management Plan and acts in an advisory role to the Department in matters concerning the implementation of the plan.

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

(click here for Agendas & Meeting Minutes)

The TAC is made up of technical staff representatives from the member entities and makes recommendations to the MPO Council on technical matters. Meetings are held online, unless otherwise noted. Below is the tentative meeting schedule for 2025.


January 8, 2025

April 16, 2025

August 13, 2025

September 17, 2025


MPO Council

(click here for Agendas & Meeting Minutes)

MPO Council is the policy board for the MPO, made up of elected officials from the member communities. Meetings are held at the WCWRPC offices at 5:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Below is the tentative meeting schedule for 2025.


January 29, 2025

May 7, 2025

August 27, 2025

October 8, 2025

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The TIP is a document that lists all state and federally funded transportation projects within the urbanized area for a five-year period. A new TIP is published by the MPO every two years (odd years) and is amended as needed over the life of the document. A draft of each new TIP, as well as major amendments, including new projects and significant changes to projects already in the TIP, are noticed for public review and displayed on this page (below). Anyone wishing to comment on the TIP or amendments to the document is welcome to contact the MPO Director.

TIP Cover.jpg

Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Chippewa-Eau Claire Urbanized Area

The LRTP is a multi-modal transportation plan for the urbanized area with a planning horizon of at least 20 years into the future. The plan documents existing conditions of the highway, bicycle, pedestrian, transit, rail, air, and freight modes in the area; establishes goals and objectives; examines system deficiencies; and recommends improvements for each mode over the next 20+ years.


Document Download Links

Chippewa-Eau Claire Metropolitan Planning Area - 2045

(File Size: 124 MB)


Appendices A-H, & J

(File Size: 14 MB)


Appendix I: Community Crash Reports

(File Size: 10 MB)

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MPO Summary Report

This report reviews projects and programs the MPO worked on during the calendar year.

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MPO Traffic Safety Report

This report explores existing traffic safety conditions in the Chippewa-Eau Claire Metropolitan Planning Area.

Cover MPO Safety Report 2022_FINAL.jpg

MPO Quarterly Newsletter

The MPO newsletter is an opportunity to update you on our ongoing projects, provide you with some innovative ideas we come across while working on different projects, possible funding sources, some fun information and tidbits about our MPA, and continue to strengthen our relationship with all the communities and other transportation partners in the MPA. These newsletters will not be extensive, roughly three pages. They will be quarterly, and we will send them out via an attachment to an email. If at any time you wish to be taken off our newsletter list, please feel free to contact us. In addition, if you know of someone that would want to be on the list, please have them contact us.

Chippewa Valley Bike Routes


The regional 20-route system totals 211 miles and uses color-coded and numbered signage to help bicyclists navigate the designated routes throughout the Chippewa Valley. Users may select any line within the map to identify the route number and there are also numbered end points to highlight the extent of each route. Users also have the ability to click the My Location widget to see their location within the map while using a mobile device as you travel and utilize the system of routes.


The Chippewa Valley Bike Routes system is a cooperative effort from Chippewa and Eau Claire counties, the cities of Altoona, Chippewa Falls, and Eau Claire, the Village of Lake Hallie, Bike Chippewa Valley, and the Chippewa-Eau Claire Metropolitan Planning Organization.

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